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Welcome to the Certrec Instructional Management System (CIMS)

General Info

is a Learning Management System owned and hosted by Certrec
Corporation. CIMS currently hosts all Regulatory Affairs courses
formerly hosted on the Power eLearning Center.

Site Administrators

does not require a site administrator to handle student enrollment.
This task is performed by several "global" CIMS administrators.

If you are a former site administrator wanting to see previous student records, please click HERE to submit a request to a CIMS administrator to provide you with what
you need. Likewise, CIMS administrators can provide course reports of
student records that have occurred on the new system. If you are
interested, please fill out the support request form and a CIMS
administrator will assist you in your task.


accounts have been imported to CIMS from the previous Learning
Management System. Usernames remain unchanged, but passwords have been updated to match your Certrec
Portal account password, if available
. If your login appears to not be
working, you can submit a "User Request" by clicking HERE.
This will alert a CIMS administrator to assist you in creating a new
Certrec Portal account. Likewise, if you are a new student you will need
to submit a "User Request" as well.